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Enlivening Sales with Rayburn

Discover how DCS Group's strategic partnership with Rayburn led to the successful launch of the Enliven brand in the UK and international markets.

Ian Swales: Head of UK Wholesale

2 Minutes

/ 11th October 2023
  • Sales & Distribution

In July, a pivotal moment marked the expansion of DCS Group's business horizon, as Rayburn, one of our largest customers, unveiled the Enliven brand across their extensive customer base, spanning both the UK and international markets. DCS Group successfully capitalised on robust strategic relationships and in-depth category insight expertise to introduce four exciting lines of Enliven Haircare into

Rayburn, who are renowned for their prowess in mass-market brands and own-label products.

The partnership between DCS Group and Rayburn exemplifies a synergy of expertise and vision. By leveraging well-established strategic relationships, DCS Group was able to seamlessly integrate the Enliven brand into Rayburn's extensive product offering.

The launch of the Enliven Haircare lines within Rayburn stands as a testament to DCS Group's unparalleled market understanding and product development capabilities. The Enliven Haircare lines have quickly garnered attention for their quality, efficacy, and affordability, establishing themselves as go-to products in the beauty and personal care industry.

This milestone achievement has fortified the bond between DCS Group and Rayburn and has set a strong foundation for future endeavours. The shared commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction continues to be the driving force behind this dynamic partnership.